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Posted By: Bullseye some help please - 15/07/06 08:01 AM
I have this as on input:
 on *:input:*: {
  if (/* !iswm $1) && (!* !iswm $1) && (~* !iswm $1) {
    var %msg = $1- 
    var %ccode =  
    if (!%checkr) {
      var %ccode =  $+ $iif((%checkrv),) $+ $iif((%checkrk),$+(,%f,$chr(44),%b)) $+ $iif((%checkro),) 
      if (%ran.ztext == 1) { var %a = $replace($rand(2,15),8,4) | if (%a <= 9) { var %b = $+(0,%a) } | else { var %b = %a } | var %ccode =    $+  $iif((%checkrv),)  $+  $iif((%checkrk),$+(,%b))  $+  $iif((%checkro),) }
      if (%ran.wtext == 1) { var %msg =  $ranw(%msg) }
    if (%talkers) { var %msg = $talkers(%ccode, %msg) }    
    if (<sound isin %msg) { talk.proc %msg | if ($exists($wavedir $+ %z)) { .sound %z } | var %tmp = <sound %z $+ > | set -nu %msg $remove(%msg,$chr(32) $+ %tmp) | /sound %z }
    if (%nickcom) { var %msg = $nickcom(%ccode, $active, %msg) }
    if (!%checkr) { var %msg = %ccode $+ %msg }
    msg $active %msg
    unset %z %zz 

In the channel window all the names have tags around them using this:
 on ^*:TEXT:*:#: { 
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    echo -ti2mbfl # 4«« $nick 4»» $1- | haltdef
  elseif ($nick ishop $chan) {
    echo -ti2mbfl # 15«« $nick 15»» $1- | haltdef
  elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) {
    echo -ti2mbfl # 10«« $nick 10»» $1- | haltdef
  else {
    echo -ti2mbfl # 6«« $nick 6»» $1- | haltdef

Now I wouls like to have that on my name to.
But then the on input has to be changed And I dont know how.
Any help is welcome
my thanks upfront.

Posted By: RusselB Re: some help please - 15/07/06 12:01 PM
1) Copy the IF statements and responses as you have them in the ON TEXT event, to the ON INPUT event, and place them after the first IF statement in the ON INPUT event.

2) Change all occurances of $nick in the section that you just copied to $me

Those two instructions should give you what you're looking for.

Off topic, but something I noticed, you could change
if (%a <= 9) { var %b = $+(0,%a) } | else { var %b = %a }  
 var %b = $iif(%a <= 9,$+(0,%a),%a) 
Posted By: Bullseye Re: some help please - 15/07/06 08:25 PM
Thank you RusselB
Only one thing.
All the talkers aint working............
I found out i had to place them after the LAST if.
That way all the talkers still work smile
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