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Posted By: AaronL closing dialog with timer - 22/05/06 01:34 PM
hi all.

As the title suggests, i like to close a dialog with a timer.
this must happen after pressing a button like:

on *:dialog:listmaster:sclick:*:{
if ($did == 100) { doe something | wait until time is reached | close dialog } }

Posted By: schaefer31 Re: closing dialog with timer - 22/05/06 04:29 PM
/.timername <i> <d> <c>

name - Whatever you care to name the timer, avoid using numbers for names as some of those are reserved. There is no space between the name and the word timer.

<i> - The number of intervals, for this case you only need 1.
<d> - The delay time or time to wait between intervals.
<c> - The command to execute on each interval.

As an example to your question:

/.timerCloseIt 1 10 dialog -x listmaster

This starts a timer named CloseIt that, after a single interval of 10 seconds will close the dialog and stop.
Posted By: AaronL Re: closing dialog with timer - 22/05/06 05:42 PM
thanxs Schaefer31

so easy that i overlooked it blush

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