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/describe $chan *Takes something* /msg $chan Thanks!

//describe $chan *Takes something* | msg $chan Thanks!

..or put it on the next line in the script

  describe $chan *Takes something*
  msg $chan Thanks!

~ Edit ~
If the command is in a script, it doesn't need the /
That makes it go to the next line, how do you make it to where it stays in the same line?
If you look again at the first line of my last post you will see

//describe $chan *Takes something* | msg $chan Thanks!

..all on one line with the | separating the commands.
Well I am using that in this:

if ($4- == cookie) { //describe $chan $+(*,Takes $4-,*) | msg $chan Thanks for the cookie! }

and the result is:

* StupBot *Takes cookie*
<StupBot> Thanks for the cookie!

Which is two lines.
How do you want it to turn out?

* StupBot *Takes cookie* <StupBot> Thanks for the cookie!


if ($4- == cookie) describe $chan *Takes cookie* $+(<,$me,>) Thanks for the cookie!

That caused:
* StupBot *Takes cookie* <StupBot> Thanks for the cookie

I don't want StupBot to be put in the middle of the sentence, I want the "Thanks for the cookie" to be on the same line, but be a msg instead of a describe.
Try this

/describe $chan thinks his master is on his own.
haha. Funny.
are you talking about the Color of the text?
where action text is maybe dark green and you want the "thanks" to be normal text color?
as far as I know there is no other way than to color the text the same as you have your normal text and background.
this will look fine to you, but if anyone else has different colors it wont match theirs.
using ctrl+o ($chr(15)) or ctrl+k ($chr(3)) will not stop the color, as its not colored in the same way to the program.

so here is some
on *:ACTION:Give*:#:{
  if ($me == StupBot) {
  if ($4- == cookie ) { describe $chan $+(*,Takes $4-,*) 1,0SNARF! }
  else if ($4- == pepsi) { describe $chan $+(*,Takes $4-,*) 1,0Thanks! }
  else if ($4- == coke) { describe $chan $+(*,Takes $4-,*) 01,1I like Pepsi better... Unless it's Vanilla Coke! }
  else /msg $chan No thanks!
This does basically the same thing, but just put to control k's (with no color value) after *takes cookie*.
go ahead and test it, I did and it doesnt do anything.
quote from my earlier post in this thread

using ctrl+o ($chr(15)) or ctrl+k ($chr(3)) will not stop the color, as its not colored in the same way to the program.
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