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Posted By: tmx Blank cussing out? - 06/02/06 07:38 PM
I haven't scripted in a long time with mirc and looks like it's changed up some. What i want to do, is there is one channel i'm in, that if i use a cuss word, i would like the script to blank it out before it actually posts to the chat. I'm attempting to get something workin, but wanted to post just in case someone could write me one up real quick! Thanks

I only want it to work in that specific chan, not all channels..
Posted By: MikeChat Re: Blank cussing out? - 06/02/06 08:31 PM

menu menubar {
Word Changer $group(#wordchanger) :{
 $iif($group(#wordchanger).status == on,.disable #wordchanger,enable #wordchanger) 
 echo -a Word Changer is now $group(#wordchanger).status
#wordchanger off
on *:input:#channel:{
  unset %newword 
  if (($left($1,1) isin / $readini($mircini,text,commandchar)) || ($left($$1,1) == !) || ($left($$1,1) == @) || ($ctrlenter == $true)) { return }
  var %i = 1
  var %words = $$1-
  var %wordcount = $gettok(%words,0,32)
  while (%i <= %wordcount) {
    var %newstring = $read(textreplace.txt,s,$gettok(%words,%i,32))
    if (%newstring == $null) { %newword = %newword  $gettok(%words,%i,32) }
    if (%newstring != $null) { %newword = %newword %newstring }
    inc %i
  say %newword 
#wordchanger end

; and you have to make a simple text file "textreplace.txt"
; on each line you have the word and its replacement

hell heck
bastard ------
Posted By: tmx Re: Blank cussing out? - 06/02/06 10:06 PM
aww nice, thank you much works great! Just one other dumb question, is there way to change the defualt font? I can't not find it anywhere? Let me know if you don't mind, Thanks
Posted By: schaefer31 Re: Blank cussing out? - 06/02/06 10:22 PM
/help /font

Scroll down a bit and locate the section for /font.
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