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Posted By: Crosz Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 12:50 AM
Hello again to all users.

I have been using this flood script below for some time but now my bot works with a quizbot on channel. I want it still to stop floods on the channel but ignore the quizbot. What do i change this code to please?

ON @1:TEXT:*:#:{ .auser 200 $nick | /timer2 1 3 .ruser $nick }

ON @+200:TEXT:*:#:{ .timer2 off | .auser 201 $nick | .timer3 1 3 .ruser 200 $nick }

ON @+201:TEXT:*:#:{ .timer3 off | /auser 202 $nick | /timer4 1 3 /ruser 201 $nick

ON @+202:TEXT:*:#:{ .timer4 off | .auser 203 $nick | .timer5 1 3 .ruser 202 $nick }

ON @+203:TEXT:*:#:{ .timer5 off | .auser 204 $nick | .timer6 1 3 .ruser 203 $nick }

ON @+204:TEXT:*:#:{ .timer6 off | .ruser $nick | .kick $chan $nick Text Flood Detected }!

And another cose for say 2 users ie the quizbot and an advert bot? Thanks to all who answer. smile
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 01:05 AM
Ignore as in add to ignore list? Or ignore the fact that they flood?

@1 is for all users, so in your script go to remote scripts editor, click users and ad a level for the bots nick.

/auser Safe <bot nick>
Posted By: Crosz Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 01:55 AM
yep all good maybe you can tell me why this does not work?

on @*:text:!op*:#:{ if $nick isop # { if $nick(#,$2,a,o) { mode # +o $2 } } else notice $nick Sorry, you can't use this command}
on @*:text:!deop*:#:{ if $nick isop # { if $nick(#,$2,a,o) { mode # -o $2 } } else notice $nick Sorry, you can't use this command}
on @*:text:!voice*:#:{ if $nick isop # { if $nick(#,$2,a,o) { mode # +v $2 } } else notice $nick Sorry, you can't use this command}
on @*:text:!devoice*:#:{ if $nick isop # { if $nick(#,$2,a,o) { mode # -v $2 } } else notice $nick Sorry, you can't use this command}

When the bot op`s it deops voices and devices instead of doing it on comand it does them all at once. I know its something stupid but i cant see what i have done.
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 02:00 AM
Minor suggestion, spacing is always important.

Sorry, you can't use this command} should be
Sorry, you can't use this command }
Posted By: Crosz Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 02:04 AM
ok thanks, Thats sweet never would have guessed that. Works great thanks very much. smile
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 02:06 AM
You're welcome. smile
good idea to use parentheses on your comparisons
you obviously dont have to but it makes thing alot easier to follow imho
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Flood script to ignore 1 or 2 users? - 03/03/05 02:44 PM
Not necessarily, I know loads on here that don't use parentheses, it's how they feel comfortable.
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