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I've searched the forums for this but most posts were too specifically tailored to the one asking the question. Hopefully I'll get a similarly useful answer.

Is it hard to write a piece of code that kicks a specific user in a specific channel when he says D:? (over-usage of smileys)
I want him to be kicked when he says ":" and timebanned for 15 seconds if he does it again, EXCEPT if the piece of text with the : in it is an URL.

Feedback would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Try this script which checks if : is at the front of a word in the text, same as checking if ($wildtok($strip($1-),:*,0,32))

on @$*:text:/(^|\s)\x3A\S+/S:#:{
var %h = $+($cid,#,.,$site)
if ($hget(smiles,%h)) {
ban -ku15 # $nick 2 You were warned not to smile
hdel smiles %h
else kick # $nick Don't smile
hinc -mu300 smiles %h

It 'remembers' a user for 300 seconds, so if they repeat a smiley within that time it will then ban them
That's great, thanks!
I don't fully understand it, but I hope that'll come in due time.
I assume I just have to fill in the specific channel on every #
Thanks again!
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