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Posted By: LO_KEY Please Help........ - 26/06/04 01:23 AM
i coded my own packetnews.com "bot" so to say...
i'm having problems removing old (over 48hrs) items "packs"
it seems to work, but then it leaves sum items that are 6days to 3 weeks old in the database... please help... confused
alias update_packs {
  set %bak.hash_t $hget(0)
  set %bak.count_hash 1
  set %bak.tot_rem 0
  set %bak.up_ctime $ctime
alias one--- { 
  set %bak.find_many 0
  set %bak.start- 1
  set %bak.tot_many %bak.hash_t
  set %bak.total_packs 0
  while (%bak.start- <= %bak.tot_many) {
    if ( $readini(nojoin.ini, nojoin, $gettok( $hget(%bak.start-) ,2,46) ) = no) { inc %bak.find_many }
    inc %bak.start-
  var %bak.time_finish = $duration( $round($calc( %bak.hash_t * 3 ),0) )
  msg %chan_s 8Beginning Updateing Pack Database And will take approx9 %bak.time_finish 8To Update......
alias two--- {
  if (%bak.count_hash <= %bak.hash_t) {
    if ( $readini(nojoin.ini, nojoin, $gettok( $hget(%bak.count_hash) ,2,46) ) = no) { goto hereinc }
    if ( $gettok( $hget(%bak.count_hash) ,1,46) = packs) {
      set %bak.items.p $hfind( $hget(%bak.count_hash) , * , 0 , w )
      set %bak.this_pack 1
      set %bak.removed 0
      set %bak.this_ctime $ctime
      .msg %chan_s 8Now updating Pack Database For9 $gettok( $hget(%bak.count_hash) ,2,46)
      while (%bak.this_pack <= %bak.items.p) {
        if ( $calc( $ctime - $gettok( $hget( $hget(%bak.count_hash) , %bak.this_pack ).data , 4 , 32) ) > 172800) && ( $hget( $hget(%bak.count_hash) , %bak.this_pack ).item != $null ) {
          hdel $hget(%bak.count_hash) $hget( $hget(%bak.count_hash) , %bak.this_pack ).item
          inc %bak.removed
          inc %bak.tot_rem
        inc %bak.total_packs
        inc %bak.this_pack
      .msg %chan_s 8Finished Updating Pack Database For9 $gettok( $hget(%bak.count_hash) ,2,46) 8Removed a total of9 %bak.removed 8Packs Out Of9 %bak.items.p 8That were 48hrs old and took9 $duration($calc( $ctime - %bak.this_ctime )) 8To Update.
      inc %bak.count_hash
  if (%bak.count_hash > %bak.hash_t) { 
    .msg %chan_s 8Finished updating pack Database... removed a total of9 %bak.tot_rem 8Packs Out Of9 %bak.total_packs 8From the database and took9 $duration($calc( $ctime - %bak.up_ctime )) 8To Update. Next Update Will Begin At Approx.9 $time( $calc( $ctime + 18000 ) ,hh:nn tt) -pst 
    .timerupdate $time( $calc( $ctime + 18000 ) ,hh:nn.tt) 1 1 update_packs
    unset %bak.*
  .timertwo--- 1 2 two---
alias sv_hash {
  var %i = 1
  while ($hget(%i)) {
    hsave -o $hget(%i) $mircdirPack_Search\ $+ $replace($hget(%i),|,$chr(44)) $+ .txt
    echo -a Saved $replace($hget(%i),|,$chr(44)) Pack Database
    inc %i

Thanxz in advance for any help givin. laugh
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 09:47 AM

the odds of you getting any help with your "packetnews" script are quite slim.

In the forum policy it is stated that we are against illegal file sharing using mIRC.
And since packetnews is one of those sites to get xdcc packs, helping you out would be encouraging illegal filesharing, so no thanks.

Posted By: LO_KEY Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 07:02 PM
lol, i understand what ur saying about the policies, but if i woulda described it diff, maybe changed a couple things in the code, u wouldnt have a prob helpn me, say if i said it just keeps in a database how many vowels each person in my channel has said and it removes ppl that it hasnt seen talk in 48 hrs or more, but it wasnt removing sum, and pasted my code, u'd b glad to help, but im not arguing jus makin a point. thx fer ur time. grin
Posted By: KingTomato Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 11:07 PM
This forum has become too polticical. Whether you want to accept it or not, mIRC can be used for filesharing. The ability and commands are there. What people do with it however, is not our problem. Reguardless of the intent, I add the following:

I haven't looked through you code, but go on one assumption. You mentioned getting rid of entried over 24 hours old. My advice is add a $ctime parameters in there, then every hour or so deletes those that are lower then $calc($ctime-(3600*48)).
Posted By: Mentality Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 11:30 PM
No, it has not become 'too political'. People are observing forum rules. People are more and more using mIRC as a file trading program and a lot of people have felt it has got 'out of control' as every day we get another 2-3 threads about it, and therefore, people who are against illegal file sharing are more sensitive now about the topic than they perhaps have been before.

mIRC can be used for filesharing. The ability and commands are there.

As has been said time and time again, mIRC has a file server, mIRC supports the DCC protocol easily and allows files to be traded, and this option is very unlikely to be removed in the future as sharing files IS a part of communication. There are people who log on to IRC however, and expect to see (automatically) easy triggers to get files, because they believe mIRC is purely a p2p program for file sharing. These people a lot of the time use XDCC and think this forum is here for helping with such a purpose. Again, this adds to people's strong feelings about the topic.

What needs to be remembered is the DCC protocol was not and is not designed for such a purpose (i.e. heavy loads) and nor was the mIRC FServe, and, as far as I know, XDCC does not take advantage of this anyway. What's more, IRC is a Chat protocol and we are sticking with that view smile - The 'you-know-which' thread states that we do not help with illegal file sharing or warez. Obviously this can be slightly ambiguous in certain people's questions, but common sense is expected.

What people do with it however, is not our problem.

What people do with mIRC is our problem as we're not here to help others be abusive, contribute to a bad reputation of mIRC or cause annoyance to other people. For example, we don't help with ban evading either, but taking the idea that 'mIRC users can do what they like with it' means we would.

We ALL know this is a sensitive topic, and I don't want to see this turn into yet another "I will help with this regardless of what others say" arrogant thread, nor a huge discussion.

As a sidenote, I'm not having a go at you KT, but just as a general comment about the issue in overall.

Posted By: feud Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 11:46 PM
i acknowledge that the forum rules explcitly tell us not to help people with illegal filesharing. however, the reasoning behind it is bunk. while irc was designed to be a "chat" protocol, it has grown into something entirely different. if we are going to only help people that want to use mirc to "chat", then by the same token, we should not help people who want to use mirc to play music, write bots, download information with sockets, write f-servs, etc..

additionally, if mirc is for strictly "chatting" purposes, then what place do the identifiers $disk, $finddir, $findfile, $hash, $md5, $portfree, $regex and so forth have? i know someone is going to try and come up with a legitimate (read: "chat") use for these identifiers, but the truth is, 99% of people using $hash are not using it to store a list of the 10 people that they regularly talk to on irc.
Posted By: Mentality Re: Please Help........ - 26/06/04 11:55 PM
I explicitly stated that sharing files was part of communication, and perfectly acceptable. We help with DCC issues all the time.

People have a problem however when dealing with XDCC and people saying "I want to download movies", and some of those reasons are stated in the thread that says mIRC isn't a file trading program.

The matter is not up for (another) discussion and the reasons behind it are not 'bunk', as IRC being a chat protocol is not the sole reason, it is one of many.

Posted By: feud Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 12:06 AM
What's more, IRC is a Chat protocol and we are sticking with that view

...and the reasons behind it are not 'bunk', as IRC being a chat protocol is not the sole reason, it is one of many.

i've been gone for quite a while, so i understand if you don't want another discussion (because we're not even allowed to talk about helping people with things that aren't strictly "communication"), so before you lock this thread, can you point me in the direction of the previous conversations?
Posted By: Mentality Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 12:33 AM
Sure, there are lots of threads about XDCC that generally state that we don't help with filesharing.

And of course people are allowed to discuss stuff, this is a very "free reign" forum and threads are only locked/deleted after they've gone completely off-topic or have deteriorated into a flame war, the moderators here are not suppresive at all.

However, using those links you will see that the matter has been discussed before, and see that a lot of people (myself included) feel strongly about it. You can of course start your own thread in the General Discussions forum, but the chances are a couple of people will agree the rule is stupid, then 5+ people disagree and a flame war will start, and the thread will be locked....

But what IS unacceptable is when someone who tries to help uphold the rules of the forum and make the person asking the question aware of the dangers of file trading, gets jumped on and told that they are wrong and that they will help regardless of what the rules are, more flame wars and (boring) discussions about the issue get started.

By the way, if those links don't suffice, use the Search feature.

Finally I would like to point out the original poster has accepted the answer and been thankful...I don't see where the problem is or why this thread need go on discussing an issue which has been rehashed many times before, and no change to the rules have been made, nor are likely to.

Posted By: KingTomato Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 03:34 AM
The only problem I have with this mindset is every time the topic of sharing a file is brought up, every moderator and their brother speaks out "File sharing is wrong, mirc is not designed to share files", yatta yatta yatta. The fact of the matter the option is there, and believe it or not people do have legitimate uses for it. I'd like to (just once) see a moderator not either lecture about the wrongs of file sharing, or point to a previous lecture, and just the help the person.

Now granted, when people come in and point out things like tmd-movies, or specifically state they want to download "dodgeball" etc--yes, there is a sign. I'm not saying help them, but I am saying help those who don't explicity state it's for the wrong purpose.

I'm not that farmiliar with xdcc, and really don't use fiile sharing that much (maybe send a picture or two, or a script I have written for someone in a channel) but from my outlook its another file server. So what's to say they don't have a channel up that is offering help files, or articles authors have written? What if they are making a stats bot for #lobby or #generalchat that just monitors things like "latest articles"? I mean the thought of them just using the xdcc script because it seems like a welll-written file sharing utility just couldn't be the reason, right? I mean they HAVE to be using it to share movies and mp3s and every other (c) material known to the internet.

I don't want to start a war here, I'm just saying give them the benefit of the doubt, not the assumption of misuse. The US has the standpoint of innocent until proven guilty, and is a view I admire. Why can't we yield the same views here?
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 10:03 AM
Hi KT,

I think, as you stated that you are not too familiar with XDCC, and it's purpose. The best thing you can do is, go to that packetnews site, enter something to search for, and see what pops up. Then click on one of the links, and see where it takes you in mIRC.

XDCC is designed specifically for mass filesharing. It has nothing to do with sending your friends some pictures, or some movie fragments of your holiday trip etc. XDCC is used solely for distributing movies, mp3's, warez, porn etc. And sites like packetnews are just a handy tool for those who want to participate in mass file sharing, because it keeps a database of many XDCC bots in many networks.

The sad thing is that the owners & ops of many of those file sharing channels, hack other people's computers, and install some script that will act like such an XDCC bot, but totally secret. The person doesn't even know that his computer and bandwith is being used to serve files. Man really, you should go to one of those sites, you'll see what I mean. There are these channels with 1000+ people, and all of them are downloading files. The channels are usually moderated as well, because those XDCC bots can be accesssed with /ctcp. So the only thing that you see when you are in one of those channels is join/parts and the XDCC bots listing their "packs".

In conclusion, I have nothing against you at all, really, but I wanted to explain what XDCC is, and what it is not.

Posted By: KingTomato Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 10:34 AM
Answer me this...

Could theoretically a person (any age) download a script like noname or invision and have xdcc script built in? Could they then use these cool dialogs and add their own personal family pictures, videos, etc because its just convenient and already there? Just because you see sites like pakcetnews posting illegal files with xdcc doesn't mean there aren't legitimate uses. Unless you have visted every irc and every channel, and whitnessed every use to be illegal, you can't tell me what it is not.

Good day.
Posted By: Mentality Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 10:58 AM
Actually, hardly any moderators comment on the subject at all. I know of one or two that actually purposefully do not get involved in threads that are about the topic.

I do not see where the issue is. As I said, we use common sense when helping someone - because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean we go and help everyone who is probably doing it. In a medium such as this it is impossible to be 100% about everything - but 95% of the time it is clear someone is mass file sharing due to the way they word their question. Personally, if I was posting and having issues with DCC I wouldn't use the word 'download', 'XDCC', 'packs' and so on.

Sometimes we get it wrong, then that person will correct us and state clearly what their doing it - it's happened 2-3 times before, and the people have then been helped. Notice how most of the people "accused" of mass/illegal file sharing either do not reply, say they don't want to be lectured or say "Ok, thanks"? There is a very small minority of people who come back and say they WEREN'T mass/illegal file sharing, which goes to show our assumptions are usually correct.

Now, I could discuss and justify forum policy until the cows come home, but I'd rather do it in PM than start another thread that spreads into 3/4 pages and annoys others who have no interest in such a topic. I'd ask you (collective 'you' not singular) to PM me if you have further queries smile

Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: Please Help........ - 27/06/04 11:42 AM

yes I share the same opinion as you as how XDCC could be used in a good way. However, I believe my signature applies very well to this situation. Yes it can be used for good things in theory, but in practice it is 99% of the time used for mass filesharing.

I have never heard or seen an xdcc bot that didnt share illegal files. And if there was such a thing (there are always exceptions to the rule), it would be 1% who uses it for normal, good purposes. All the rest is used for illegal filesharing. And that goes for invision or sysreset or those scripts, designed to make filesharing easier. I'm also pretty sure that the authors of sysreset designed it simply to make file sharing in channels a lot easier, they didn't make it for individuals who want to share their summer holiday pictures with their friends.

You are asking could it be used for normal purposes. It could.
I am asking is it being used for normal purposes. It isn't.

Anyway, we are all free to post on this message board, and free to help whoever we like, so I'm definitely not saying you shouldn't help anyone with mass file sharing scripts. I just let the original poster know that he shouldnt expect much help, with such a script.

Posted By: Darwin_Koala Re: Please Help........ - 28/06/04 06:43 AM
To put another angle on it ...

If we assume that the request is legitimate, then what is wrong with telling the requester that mIRC is not the best tool for the job and to search elsewhere for other tools that are?

As discussed many times, mIRC is optimised for Chat, other things (FTP, File sharing, movies, music, picking noses etc)

I can use a tyre iron to nail bits of wood together, I can also use stickytape to stop my fish tank from leaking - it doesn't mean that is the best way to do it.



p.s. I agree that we should not sully oursourlves assisting the majority of ppl who want to do illegal things, but maintain the balance and help those who genuinely need it.
Posted By: KingTomato Re: Please Help........ - 29/06/04 05:59 AM
I more than realise it is not the best tool for the job, and that is not my issue. My issue is with the fact that people selectivly help based on the intent of the user. If the user has all legitimate uses, people are more than willing to help the user with their problem. Once an issue such as xdcc, "Warez", "download <current movie in theatres>" arises--the problem is ignored or the speaches are pulled out.

Either pick one extreme or the other. Help the users with their problems reguardless of their purpose, or don't help anyone. My choice however is the latter. After all, this is a forum to aid users in solving issues with problems, not one to selectivly chose who seems more fit for the advice you are willing to give.

This'll be my last post in this thread.
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