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Posted By: Navman2854 weird behavior??? - 24/10/03 05:50 AM
Ok, never saw mirc do this before. I open mirc, do not have it try to connect to any server, do not have connect on startup enabled in OPTIONS, yet it will try to connect to a chat server that I'm a op on. That server is supposed to be java chat only, the owner has barred mirc access to it, so I get klined. That server has not been connected to with mirc in quite a few months. I have no script designed to do this. I removed that server from the server list, yet mirc continues to try to connect to it while program is opened. I connected to an undernet server, mirc did not try to connect to the first chat server while connected to the undernet server, so at least it doesn't try to open a new server window. Does anyone have a clue on what is happening???
Posted By: EVH Re: weird behavior??? - 24/10/03 01:20 PM
Maybe there is a script loaded that
is trying to auto-connect you ?

Try this ..
1) Type /remote off
2) Close mIRC
3) Start mIRC

If it doesn't do it again after this, there
is a script loaded that is causing this.
Posted By: Collective Re: weird behavior??? - 24/10/03 01:52 PM
It may be better to use /[color:red]!remote off[/color] as some scripts overide the default /remote command with an alias.
Posted By: EVH Re: weird behavior??? - 24/10/03 02:10 PM
True too smile
Posted By: Navman2854 Re: weird behavior??? - 24/10/03 03:10 PM
Ok, thanks to you both, going to give it a try, I'll post back if it works!!!! cool
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