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for some reason, i am banned from this server whithout even doing anything wrong, how the heck do i get myself out of this one? what an unnecessary pain.. i think i'll stranggle the person i am mixed up with. mad

* Connecting to (6667)
Ping? Pong!
Ping? Pong!
* bareknuckle (guy@213-48-251-50.cro.cvx.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (You are banned from this server. Hacking attempts, illegal programs (FBI Jan1))
ERROR You are banned from this server. Hacking attempts, illegal programs (FBI Jan1)
* Disconnected
All you can do is contact someone at that network, their website should have info if there wasnt an email addy/url in the ban msg.
nah, there was no url.. what u see is what i got, i'm not even sure where it's comming from, is there an FBI network or something?
FBI is the chat nickname of the IRCop that set that ban and what date it was set .... ud have to email the admin or something of that network ...... ud be best to check thier website and see if it has any pertaining info
use your favorite search engine and find the webpage for the network you are having the problem with... if its webchat, yes, they have kline info on their website. They are the only ones who can help you resolve this.
From the MOTD:

- -----------------------------------------------
- Details/Contact Info:
- -----------------------------------------------
- Please visit MediaDriven's website: (Temporarily Down)
-  http://www.mediadriven.com/
- Connect to MediaDriven through the web at: (Temporarily Down)
-  http://irc.mediadriven.com:8080/
- Suggestions and complaints may be placed at: (Temporarily Down)
-  suggestions@mediadriven.com
thanks for your suggestions, so far i have sent an email to suggestions@mediadriven.com explaining the issue, now all i can do is wait... i guess

i think collective posted the MOTD because you said you sent an email right?

Suggestions and complaints may be placed at: (Temporarily Down) suggestions@mediadriven.com

I think he was tryin to say that it these were down...unless i have misunderstood something
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