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Posted By: JohnnyBad Buffer Woes - 28/04/08 05:21 PM
Hi All

I selected perform and typed:

join #photoshop
clear #photoshop

I closed mirc and restarted it.
It failed to clear the buffer.

Posted By: 5618 Re: Buffer Woes - 28/04/08 05:34 PM
You should put the clear command on a timer delay.

But looking at what you're trying to do, don't you just want:
Tools -> Options -> IRC -> Logging -> Reload Logs : None ?
Posted By: RoCk Re: Buffer Woes - 28/04/08 05:37 PM

Maybe it's clearing the window before you actually join the channel, try putting it on a timer.

Add these to perform


join #photoshop
.timerClear.#photoshop 0 1 if ($me ison #photoshop) $chr(123) clear #photoshop $chr(124) .timerClear.#photoshop off $chr(125)

~ Edit ~
5618: I thought about disabling that option too but figured they may want to reload all other channels except #photoshop.

Posted By: argv0 Re: Buffer Woes - 28/04/08 06:11 PM
Putting it on a timer isn't a very good idea, too fast and it wont work, too slow and it might clear someone talking when the user joins.

As mentioned, though, the reason join | clear doesnt work is because /join doesnt happen instantaneously. You should wait until ON JOIN to clear... here's a simple one:

on ^*:JOIN:#photoshop:if ($nick == $me) clear #

Put that in your remotes and you can remove /clear from perform.
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