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Posted By: AML Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 10:05 PM
now you say you wont make mirc for linux but honestly you say windows is time consuming well i do not see any problems with the current version that cant allow you
to take the time to create a linux version even just one version would be good its not like we linux ppl want all the high tech features most ppl just want to put there bots on there servers LIKE ME :tongue:
I Honestly Think We Should Vote Just To See How Many ppl Want a version for linux

[polltitle=Who Wants A Linux Version??]
[polloption=I Do]
[polloption=I Dont]
Posted By: AML Well It Seems It Isnt Working - 09/10/04 10:09 PM
it appears that the polls dont work so just post here if you THINK THERE SHOULD BE A LINUX SERVER
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 10:11 PM
...Or you could save khaled the trouble and run mIRC under wine.
Posted By: sparta Re: Well It Seems It Isnt Working - 09/10/04 10:12 PM
if it should be a linux server ? and i must ask, why do you need mirc for linux or unix ? if its for a bot, then you should take a look at a eggdrop, its a good bot.. and works bether then mirc, but thats cos its made to be just a bot, not a client you chat with others true.. ok it have a partyline, but it comes with the rest of the bot.. wink
Posted By: Danthemandoo Re: Well It Seems It Isnt Working - 09/10/04 10:31 PM
how about you employ Khaled to do it and pay him at least $50 an hour and you never know he might. Otherwise, put up with the fact that it'll never happen.
Posted By: KingTomato Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 10:33 PM

Scripting in mIRC is meant to be taken as a way of customizing and doing *little* things IRC/Chat related. A bot by no means should be run from mIRC, as (comparativly) it's slower and more bulky. If you want a bot, use eggdrop or something in C.
Posted By: AML Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 10:55 PM
HRMM LETS SEE HERE YOU STILL HAVNT ANSWERed MY QUESTION WHATs taking him so long that he cant write a version for linux its not like the windows version needs a mass improvement
Posted By: KingTomato Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 11:14 PM
You are apparently unfarmiliar with how application programming works. There are different libraries involved with each operating system. It's not as simple as checking off the "Compile as [Unix/Linux] Application" checkbox. A near-total (if not complete) rewrite of mIRC would need to be involved. And, judging by a past written FAQ response, that'd be 28+ files (140,000 lines of code).

Now please go find either a different client, or a new implimentation to complete your task.
What would be the point? As someone already said, just run mIRC via WINE if you want to use it on Linux. There are plenty of improvements that people want for mIRC (Unicode support being the obvious example). Time spent on a program isn't just:
  • Write the program
  • Release

For something like mIRC which contains a scripting language aswell as being a highly customisable application it's a massive undertaking. It would involve something like:
  • Learn in-depth knowledge of coding for Linux (don't just assume that every coder knows Linux intimately)
  • Write the application
  • Alpha test the application
  • Write the interpreter
  • Alpha test the interpreter
  • Check Linux & Windows languages/interpreters function the same
  • Find good, trustworthy, Linux-knowledgeable beta testers
  • Beta test
  • Bug-fix
  • Beta test
  • Bug-fix
  • Beta test
  • Bug-fix
  • Write documentation
  • Release

Starting to see why it probably won't happen?
Posted By: DekuHaze Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 09/10/04 11:44 PM
What's wrong with xchat/irssi/bitch x/kvirc/kopete/mozilla chat client/gaim/konversation...etc...? Hell, if you're "l33t", you can even use telnet.

In future, please try to be less lame. People like you give my preferred OS a bad name wink
Posted By: Mentality Re: Whats So Time Consuming With Windows - 10/10/04 12:18 AM
WHATs taking him so long that he cant write a version for linux its not like the windows version needs a mass improvement

There's always room for improvement. DCC, multi-server, SSL support, Unicode support, translating to other languages - things get added and get planned in advance all the time. Hours goes into fixing the bugs that people report, separating what should appear in the next version etc., so yes, developing mIRC is time consuming in Windows.

You cannot say that "we Linux users" do not want a lot of features but just want mIRC to host a bot - apart from mIRC not being the best program to use for the sole purpose of a bot, as has been explained, that is not, necessarily, what the majority of Linux users would like to see in mIRC. You do not represent the majority of Linux users. There are sufficient IRC clients for Linux anyway, and, although not quite as functional (but apparently that's irrelevant), you can run mIRC under WINE.

To make it clear, there are currently no plans to create a non-Windows version of mIRC - Please see this sticky thread for further info.

By the way, a) There's no need to use caps, it's considered shouting as I am sure you know, and therefore rude, and b) The poll tags do work, it's just only mods/admins may use them.

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