Request: Commands to let scripts detect and change the setting of 'if-file-exists' for dcc gets, the way it currently can detect and change the ask/get/ignore setting through using /sreq and $sreq.

This could be done by creating the /sreqexists command and $sreqexists identifier, and have them function similarly to /sreq and $sreq. The new $sreqexists would always return the current if-file-exists setting, one of the 4 words "ask resume overwrite cancel", and the new command to change the if-file-exists setting would be "/sreqexists MODE", where MODE is any of those 4 same words. As a bonus, "/sreqexists" without any parameters would show the current setting, the way /sreq does for the setting it controls.

Right now, we can go into DCC Options and set mIRC to show a get-dialog all files, but then have a script within the DCC SEND event allow mIRC to auto-accept only certain DCC's, such as for all .txt files:

if (*.txt iswm $filename) { var %x $sreq | sreq auto | timer 1 0 sreq %x | return }

which makes mIRC auto-accept the .txt but immediately go back to 'ask' for all other incoming files. With the new feature, scripts could do the same thing to control which files can auto-resume vs overwrite vs ask.

One thing sreqexists could do is address the issue of mIRC asking for a resume-get at offset zero if the existing filesize is 1-8192. A script could temporarily change the setting with "/sreqexists overwrite" then switch back with "timer 1 0 /sreqexists resume".

It could also alter the resume setting of incoming files based on the sender, the filetype, the filesize, how old the existing file is, whether your ISP-supplied router is currently altering ports behind your back and nobody at their support has ever heard of the problem, etc.