Battle Arena is a text game written in mIRC's scripting language. This is a game of good vs evil and was originally inspired heavily by the hit PS2/PS3 series "Devil May Cry". The gist is that players will join to kill monsters and bosses while gaining new weapons, skills and techniques. Over time the bot has expanded and has become a light RPG with stats, NPCs and special boss battles.

As for the main purpose of the game.. well, the only real purpose is to see how long of a winning streak players can achieve. The game is designed so that people can hop in and out easily at nearly any time, just as a way to basically kill some boredom. There is no ultimate goal to obtain or defend.

Once set up the game is entirely automatic and does not need anyone to run it.

A full in-depth guide with commands and more in-depth information can be found on the Battle Arena wiki:

If you have a Question for the game Post it here.

Last edited by Khaled; 24/03/16 07:30 AM.