Can someone take a look at these lines of script. something is wrong send complete line when a dcc transfer is sent it is not showing the speed of the transfer. it only shows the speed when a dcc transfer is received.

if (!$window(@DCC Results  $+ $network)) window -kn @DCC Results  $+ $network $scriptdirDCC_Results.txt size 12
if (get* iswm $1) aline - $+ $iif(!%dccresulthoff,h,) $+ p @DCC Results  $+ $network $asctime(HH:nn:ss) $+(14,$nick,,:) $iif($1 == get,7Get Complete,4 GetFailed) $get(-1).file ( $+ $duration($get(-1).secs,3) $round($calc( ( $get(-1).rcvd - $get(-1).resume ) / 1024 / $get(-1).secs ),1) KB/Sec $+ )
else aline - $+ $iif(!%dccresulthoff,h,) $+ p @DCC Results  $+ $network $asctime(HH:nn:ss) $+(14,$nick,,:) $iif($1 == send,11Send Complete,10Send Failed) $send(-1).file ( $+ $duration($send(-1).secs,3) $round($calc( ( $send(-1).rcvd - $send(-1).resume ) / 1024 / $send(-1).secs ),1) KB/Sec $+ )

here is an example it shows the speed of the transfer for a dcc get transfer but not for a dcc send transfer.

00:23:19 mach5gogo: Get Complete ---> mach5gogo-default(2015-11-12) In (00:00:03 At 97.5 KB/Sec)

00:21:59 divinee461: Send Complete ---> SC8310-05 - Boy George - Crying In (00:00:35 At 0 KB/Sec)
As you can see its shows the speed of the dcc get complete transfer as 97.5 KB/Sec
but for the Send complete it only shows 0KB-Sec