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Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 27
nexux Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 27
Greetings and good afternoon ..

I have a problem with the socket to read a web

I have in my database a table called "sig"
my table has three fields, one called "id", the other is called "contenido" and the last is called "cafe".

Table - sig

And so my website is displayed:


And so printed on the website

<p> azucar es rico</p>

And in my remote I have:

on *:Text:*!akore*:#: {
  if ( $2 == $null ) {    .notice $nick La forma Correcta de usarlo es !akore <akore>  | return }
  if ( $istok(azucar1.azucar3.azucar3,$2,46) == $false ) { 
    .notice $nick  $nick el akore  $2   no es valido
  akore $2

alias akore {
  sockclose akore3
  set %akore2 $chan
  set %akore $1
  sockopen akore3 www.****.com 80

on 1:sockopen:akore3: {
  sockwrite -tn $sockname GET si.php?contenido= $+ %akore
  ;sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: *.*, *\/*
  ;sockwrite -tn $sockname Range: bytes=0-
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: www.****.com 80
  sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf

on 1:sockread:akore3:{
  if ($sockerr > 0 ) {  return }
  sockread  %akore4
  if ($sockbr == 0 ) { return }
  if (%akore4 == $null) { halt }
  if (<p><img src="img/ $+ %akore $+ .jpg" isin %akore4) {
    set %akore4 $remove(%akore4,<p>,</p>,%akore,$chr(9))
    set %akore4 $replace(%akore4,ǁ,-,&aacute;,á,&eacute;,é,&iacute;,í,&oacute;,ó,&uacute;,ú,¡,¡,Á,Á,&ntilde;,ñ)
    set %akore4 $replace(%akore4,ñ,ñ,ó,ó,á,á,í,í,ú,ú,é,é,ü,ü,©,©,&laquo;,",&raquo;,",&nbsp,$chr(32))
    .timerhoros1 1 1 msg %akore2 4 Signo %akore - 
  .timerhoros2 1 1 msg %akore2 %akore4 }

on 1:sockclose:akore3: {
unset %akore4 %akore2 %akore }

But it does not work, not that I am wrong ...

Thank you

Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 149
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 149
Originally Posted By: nexux
Greetings and good afternoon ..

I have a problem with the socket to read a web

I have in my database a table called "sig"
my table has three fields, one called "id", the other is called "contenido" and the last is called "cafe".

Table - sig

And so my website is displayed:


And so printed on the website

<p> azucar es rico</p>

And in my remote I have:

on *:Text:*!akore*:#: {
  if ( $2 == $null ) {    .notice $nick La forma Correcta de usarlo es !akore <akore>  | return }
  if ( $istok(azucar1.azucar3.azucar3,$2,46) == $false ) { 
    .notice $nick  $nick el akore  $2   no es valido
  akore $2

alias akore {
  sockclose akore3
  set %akore2 $chan
  set %akore $1
  sockopen akore3 www.****.com 80

on 1:sockopen:akore3: {
  sockwrite -tn $sockname GET si.php?contenido= $+ %akore
  ;sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: *.*, *\/*
  ;sockwrite -tn $sockname Range: bytes=0-
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: www.****.com 80
  sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf

on 1:sockread:akore3:{
  if ($sockerr > 0 ) {  return }
  sockread  %akore4
  if ($sockbr == 0 ) { return }
  if (%akore4 == $null) { halt }
  if (<p><img src="img/ $+ %akore $+ .jpg" isin %akore4) {
    set %akore4 $remove(%akore4,<p>,</p>,%akore,$chr(9))
    set %akore4 $replace(%akore4,ǁ,-,&aacute;,á,&eacute;,é,&iacute;,í,&oacute;,ó,&uacute;,ú,¡,¡,Á,Á,&ntilde;,ñ)
    set %akore4 $replace(%akore4,ñ,ñ,ó,ó,á,á,í,í,ú,ú,é,é,ü,ü,©,©,&laquo;,",&raquo;,",&nbsp,$chr(32))
    .timerhoros1 1 1 msg %akore2 4 Signo %akore - 
  .timerhoros2 1 1 msg %akore2 %akore4 }

on 1:sockclose:akore3: {
unset %akore4 %akore2 %akore }

But it does not work, not that I am wrong ...

Thank you

Si nos pasas cual es la página web, puedo intentar ayudarte.
Hace pocos días, con ayuda de este foro solucioné un problema similar.


Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 27
nexux Offline OP
Ameglian cow
OP Offline
Ameglian cow
Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 27
Gracias amigo, no se si tiene que ver algo en la codificacion de la pagina web, o sea del archivo php ... he probado con codificacion y sin codificacion, al decir codificacion me refiero al :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

Pero aun no puedo hacerla funcionar..

Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 149
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 149
Originally Posted By: nexux
Gracias amigo, no se si tiene que ver algo en la codificacion de la pagina web, o sea del archivo php ... he probado con codificacion y sin codificacion, al decir codificacion me refiero al :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

Pero aun no puedo hacerla funcionar..

nexus, como te comenté anteriormente, si no proporcionas la dirección de la web para que se pueda probar el socket, va ser dificil que alguien te pueda ayudar.

Sale: www.****.com/

Si no deseas dejarla pública en el post, la puedes poner con el spoiler, que es el icono de la (S) que está a la izquierda del icono de la comilla (").


Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,515
Try use this code:

ON *:TEXT:!akore*:#: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .msg $chan  La forma Correcta de usarlo es !akore <akore>  | return }
  ; if ($istok(azucar1.azucar3.azucar3,$2,46) == $false) {
  ;   .msg $chan  $nick el akore  $2   no es valido
  ;   return
  ; }
  sockget http://***.com/si.php?cafe= $+ $2 $nick $chan

alias sockget {
  if (!$1-) { echo -ag ERROR: Enter the URL Page correctly! | return }
  var %s = sockget_ $+ $rand(1,100000) $+ _ $+ $ticks
  if ($sock(%s)) { sockclose %s }
  var %site = $1
  var %get_host = $chr(47) $+ $gettok(%site,3-,47)
  var %host = $gettok(%site,2,47)
  if ($right(%site,1) == $chr(47)) && ($right(%get_host,1) !== $chr(47)) { var %get_host = %get_host $+ $chr(47) }
  if (*https* iswm %site) { sockopen -e %s %host 443 }
  else { sockopen %s %host 80 }
  sockmark %s %get_host $iif($2-,$2-)

ON *:SOCKOPEN:sockget_*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -ag ERROR: SOCKOPEN -> $sock($sockname).wserr -> $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).addr
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: */*
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf

ON *:SOCKREAD:sockget_*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -ag ERROR: SOCKREAD -> $sock($sockname).wserr -> $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }
  var %read
  sockread %read
  if ($sockbr) { 
    ; echo -ag DATA: $left(%read,4096)
    if (<p> isin %read) && (</p> isin %read) {
      .msg $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) [ $+ $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) $+ ]: $iif($remove(%read,<p>,</p>),$v1,Not any results founded)

ON *:SOCKCLOSE:sockget_*: { ;echo -ag CLOSED: $sock($sockname).addr SOCKET CONNNECTION! }    

Last edited by westor; 21/11/14 12:34 PM. Reason: requested to hide the website

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